Launch Your Memoir Professional Business with These Steps
My dear colleague and friend Denis Ledoux from The Memoir Network is a memoir writing coach, editor, and ghostwriter for those needing help writing their memoirs. This is his latest post on why fall / autumn is the time to (re) launch your Memoir Professional Business.
He also has a code for you to use to get a discount (below) on The Memoir Professional Package for now through August 27, 2022.

Launch Your Profitable Memoir Business With These Steps
By Denis Ledoux
We’re in mid-August—a time that is still summer but a time also that augurs the approach of autumn.
Maine has fared better than many parts of North America in that we have had fewer hot days, but we did have some in the lower 90s which is unusual for us. In all though, it has been a good summer. I hope you have had a good summer wherever you find yourself.
With thoughts of autumn about to arrive, it is time to prepare for your fall memoir work.
People don’t much seek coaches and editors and workshop leaders in the summer. Most of us Memoir Professionals find our workloads dropping in the hot months—and welcome a time for our own vacations and rest.
But people begin to think seriously of resuming their writing by late summer.
Will you be prepared?
Here’s the deal
It’s time for you to prepare for more memoir activity. You need to be ready to relaunch as a Memoir Professional—it won’t happen on its own.
What sorts of things can you do now to prepare yourself?
- review your website: Is what you offer clearly stated and easy to understand?
verify that your information: Is what you list complete and up to date?
2. check your outreach material: Is it sufficient to attract clients? If not, tweak it.
3. test your marketing pipeline: is it solid?
4. Don’t know what a marketing funnel is? Read up on it, finish writing your memoir, and publish it: Get to work on it now. Your writing is credentializing.
With best wishes,
Denis and the Memoir Network team

PS: I have been active as a memoir professional for several decades. In that time, I have led workshops, coached clients, edited manuscripts, ghostwritten books and prepared memoirs for publication for hundreds.
I have seen how the Memoir Professionals who do best are often those who offer all the memoir services possible. You, too, should offer a full line of services.
If you do not have The Memoir Professional Package to guide you in this, you can take advantage of all it has to offer by ordering now.
The MPP is available to readers of this newsletter at an $80 reduction: was $379 and is now $299 until August 27, 2022.
Use coupon code MPP82722.
Don’t miss out on the discount! Use coupon code MPP82722.