What Does Your Journal Reveal About Your Life?
What does your journal reveal about your life? The type of journal you use, the way you write, what you choose to write about, and even how you benefit from journaling is all individual and unique to you. Here are some things that journaling might reveal about you.
How Often You Use it
The first thing your journal reveals about your life is how often you choose to write in your journal. Some people write once daily or even weekly, while others might journal multiple times a day. I used to journal just in the mornings (called Morning Pages), but now I keep my journal open and write several times a day, like I’m having a conversation with myself. This would indicate I have a lot on my mind and need to express my thoughts and figure out solutions to my problems through journaling.

The Topics You Choose to Write About
What you write about says quite a bit about you as well. Do you write about:
- Your goals?
- Starting a business?
- Personal relationships?
- Problems with one of your teens?
- Everything that happens during your day?
- Your inner thoughts about your life and the direction it is going?
What you write about when you aren’t thinking about it can tell you much about where your focus and priorities are.
Your Tone and Language
How do you write? The way you form words on the page, whether you have paragraphs or one long page, and your tone while writing, are an insight into how you are using language to journal. Is your writing frantic, messy, and disorganized? (Mine often is!) This might mean you feel a bit frazzled and stressed out in your life.
Or, is it neat and tidy, and you take a lot of time to write in your journal? This might mean you feel calmer about your life and feel you have plenty of time to write.
The Ways You Benefit from It
How do you benefit from journaling? The way you benefit from your journaling is unique to you. Some people benefit the most by simply expressing their feelings in a safe and private way. Others benefit by using journaling as a self-care activity that is just for them every day.
Think about the ways in which you are benefiting from your journal.
Your Goals and Priorities
What are your goals and priorities? A journal will help you discover what your personal goals and priorities are in life. Like the topics you choose to write about, you can see the ebb and flow of your tone and topics and your journaling style in general.
If you tend to write about professional goals more than your personal life, that is where your mind is at right now. It also shows you what areas you should be exploring further.
What your journal reveals about your life will change over time as your life changes. Just go with the flow of it and when you go back to read your old journals later in life, you will discover even more insights of where you were—and how you got to where you are now. It’s an amazing journey!