Superfood Garden Summit—Free Virtual Event and eGuide
The 2021 Superfood Garden Summit is coming up where more than 16 gardening experts are sharing with you how grow your own superfood garden at home.
This free virtual event, hosted by Stacey Murphy, is for beginners to advanced gardeners and is kid-friendly. Click here to claim your spot at the FREE online Superfood Garden Summit.
The Superfood Garden Summit airs July 21-24 and you’ll learn how to get more super food nutrients from homegrown food. And it is a totally FREE and online event.
This summit simplifies how to grow your own food, so you will know exactly what to do to enjoy health right from your garden—harvest to plate—even if you have never planted a seed, think you have a brown thumb, or you’ve been gardening for years, this global online LIVE event has something for everyone.
In this Superfood Garden Summit you’ll discover:
- The simple steps to growing nutrient-dense superfoods… anywhere, all year round.
- Common mistakes to avoid so you can grow a more abundant harvest with less work.
- Creating an action plan NOW to be READY for your peak growing season so you can avoid the overwhelm.
- How to grow bigger, healthier harvests by supercharging the nutrient density of all your edible plants.
- Supercharging your soil and choosing a composting system to make your gardening easier and more bountiful.
- How to grow chocolate, sweet potatoes, strawberries and so much MORE!
Learn from these 16 garden visionaries
Here’s the amazing list of presentations:
- Stacey Murphy: Spirit Gardening to Nourish Your Mind, Body and Soul
- Jana Bogs: Awesome Food, Vibrant Health
- John Moody: Maximizing Your Sweet Potato Harvest
- Ocean Robbins: Healthier Together: Community Gardens that Thrive
- Matt Powers: Choosing a Compost System That Works For You
- Rob Herring: Why Neuroscience Predicts Gardeners Live Longer
- Jessica Smith: Sweet & Abundant Homegrown Strawberries
- Greg Peterson: Healthy Soil for Garden Success & Climate Resiliency
- Sajah Popham: Herbal First Aid Kit: 5 Plants & How to Prepare them
- Jason Matyas: Growing Superfoods in the Fall and Winter
- Marjory Wildcraft: Secrets to Growing Your Own Chocolate
- David Wolfe: Interplanting Fruit & Nut Trees with Vegetables
- Tom Bartels: Kale, Beets & Potatoes With Preservation Recipes
- Marjory Wildcraft: 3 Unusual Superfoods That You Can Grow Right At Home
- Dale Solomon: Grow Your Own Spirulina + Recipes!
- Tasha Greer: Year Round Spice Garden
- Michael Kilpatrick: Supercharging Your Garden Soil
- Matthew Huber: Boosting Your Garden Yields with Algae
Free eGuide—12 Easy to Grow Superfoods
Inside this guide, you’ll learn how to grow 12 of the easiest, healthiest, and fastest superfoods. Learn why these superfoods are a healthier option than buying organic produce at the grocery store…
- The 6 reasons you should be growing your own superfoods (instead of buying them at the grocery store).
- The #1 easiest superfood to get started with even if you haven’t touched a seed in your life.
- How you can start eating one of my favorite superfoods in just 2 weeks.
- The most nutrient-dense vegetable on the planet that produces pounds of produce per plant.
- Superfood plants that you can plant once that come back with BIGGER crops every year.
- Deciding which superfoods are right for you and your garden
If you haven’t received your free copy of Superfood Gardening… grab it here BEFORE the Summit begins.
Grow your own superfoods in your backyard
Did you know there are over a thousand varieties of leafy greens that you can grow? By growing your own, you can have a much larger variety of greens and other veggies than the typical farmer’s market can carry.
These are the foods that hold the key to the serious illnesses we now face—heart disease, autoimmune disorders, cancer, diabetes, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, stress, and anxiety.
This event is for you if you want…
- fresh food for vitality and longevity,
- lawns replaced with gardens,
- regeneration of our soils,
- mitigation of climate change,
- roofs, walls, and balconies teeming with life,
- and garden traditions passed on from generation to generation.

Jeanette Francis
I missed the summit. Is there a recording or replay I can watch. I registered but didn’t recieve a reminder of when it was actually starting. Sounded great.
Shanna Lea
I’m so sorry you missed it! Unfortunately, the summit is over but will be back next year. You can email their support for any of your questions. I don’t know if they are still selling the passes to watch the replays or not at this time. Their email is: support@GrowYourOwnVegetables.org