Journal Entry #21—Sloth Meaning and Symbolism
Last week Sloth showed up to me three times in the span of an hour, and then frequently throughout the week. It was usually a picture or a saying with a sloth, but it was the frequency and that feeling of “grabbing my attention” feeling that I knew I needed to pay attention to.
So, I researched and meditated on sloth meaning and symbolism and reflected on what I’d been doing in my life. Usually, the first thing that comes to mind is “being sloth like”, or “lazy”, when actually they are not. They are slow, but they are taking their time to get where they are going. As should we. In a world that already passes us by every day, it’s good to just slow down, be mindful, and find joy in every moment we can.

As I thought through the last few weeks, I saw that I was pushing myself harder, trying to get in as much as possible each day. Taking on more work, pushing harder exercising, making the most of every hour of the day.
I was falling into the trap of overworking. Sloth teaches us to slow down. So, I took my time completing tasks, but with more attention. I slowed down on the exercise and tuned into my body’s signals when it was tiring.
I stopped scrolling endlessly on the phone and used those moments to just sit quietly and reflect on what was going on around me. The dogs napping in the corner, their legs running in place deep in their dreams. The empty bird bath outside in 100F afternoon, and reminding myself to refill it. Gazing up, and being filled with wonder at the cloud shapes. What do they mean? Can I learn what the cloud changes throughout the day mean, and will it rain by evening?
Slowing down.
Being more mindful of the moment. Each moment. Throughout the day.
And I noticed. I noticed my body saying, stop, I’m tired.
I noticed my mind saying, stop, I need to daydream and wonder.
I noticed my soul heave a heavy sigh.
As I researched interesting facts to put in the newsletter, I felt sloth meaning and symbolism more deeply. Like, it takes them a month to digest a leaf. And they poop once a week! This meaning could be taken literally–as in taking care of my diet better. Or symbolically, as in taking time to “digest” what I’m learning more slowly. I’ve committed to a once-a-week class learning plant families, and I need to take more time through the week to explore that family more.
Another interesting fact is that algae and other things grow in a sloth’s hair. That is why they appear green. This camouflage works to their advantage in avoiding predators. They move so slowly and blend into the greenery around them that predators don’t notice them.
All of this led me to look up giant sloths. They were huge, standing as tall as a bear, and they dug deep burrows to avoid predators. I watched this short clip of David Attenborough in a museum where a giant sloth was “brought to life” to show how big they were.
And then I remembered the fun my kids and I had watching Ice Age together. Who can forget Sid the Sloth?
So, I followed Sloth’s advice to slow down and took a day off at the end of the week to relax. That was when I realized how tired I was. And now, I feel recharged to start a new week.
I’ll post the newsletter in the archives in a few days, but in the meantime, you can watch this short video about sloths.
Has an animal come to you with a message? And if you followed its prompting, what new insights did it give you? Was the message timely? Drop a comment below and let me know. And be sure and subscribe to the newsletter for new updates!
Gifts for Sloth Lovers
Know someone who loves sloths? Here are a few adorable sloth gifts to brighten their day (or gift to yourself!)