Salmon, some more salmon, and maybe more salmon
It’s been a quiet, hot day. No wind. There were a few clouds passing this morning as I sat in the sun reading my book. The Haunted Mesa by Louis L’Amour has a good pace and I’m racing through the chapters. I’m enjoying this read immensely about mysterious lights, portals, and the disappearance of the Anasazi.
I’ve spent the afternoon working on my lifestory, writing up memories from each place we’ve lived over the years. This is a long-term project, writing up memories of the kids and what we did and I’ll eventually put the memories together with the photos in a scrapbook.
I started work on the new cookbook this week. I’ve picked the topic and am gathering recipes to see how it will all fit together. Once I’ve seen that it’s going to be a good one to pursue working on, I’ll share more. Then, after I’ve got a couple of book covers designed, I will ask you to help me decide which one to use when I publish the cookbook!
The heat will last the rest of this week. The utility company has asked everyone to cut back on their usage, adjusting the thermostat, turning off lights, and electronics. Schools are letting out early all week so the AC’s can be turned off for a while. Next week should be slightly cooler, in the high 90s.

I was over tired this morning and took a few hours off to rest. I ended up taking a few salmon oil pills, a B12, and then ate some smoked salmon as well to get those good Omega 3s to wake up my brain. An hour later I ate a can of sardines. It might be just kicking in now.
I think tomorrow I’ll make some salmon patties for lunch. I have lots of recipes to choose from in my Salmon Patties cookbook.
Until tomorrow . . .