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Monday Prompt: What Productivity Goals Have You Set?

Welcome to your weekly journal prompt! What goals have you set for this month?

Setting goals and showing up consistently are the keys to being productive. How do set your productivity goals? Are you consistent every day in showing up for them?

Grab your favorite journal, a pen, and make yourself a cuppa—let’s jump in!

  1. How do you define productivity, and what steps can you take to increase it in your life?
  2. Reflect on a time when you accomplished a significant task with great productivity. What factors contributed to your success?
  3. How do you stay organized and productive in your daily life?
  4. What productivity tools or techniques do you find most helpful in your work or studies?
  5. Set specific productivity goals for the month and outline steps to achieve them.
  6. Share a productivity tip or hack that has helped you save time and stay focused.
  7. Explore ways to balance productivity with self-care and relaxation.
Productivity Goals
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Other journal prompts for this week:

June 17 to 23:

Pollinator Week

June 17

National Eat Your Vegetables Day

National Root Beer Day

June 18

International Picnic Day

National Go Fishing Day

June 19


June 20

National Ice Cream Soda Day

Summer Solstice

World Productivity Day

June 21

National Day of Indigenous People

National Seashell Day

National Take Your Dog to Work Day

World Giraffe Day

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