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Monday Prompt: What is your self-care routine?

Welcome to your weekly journal prompt! What is your self-care routine?

We all need a routine that includes self-care to combat the stress of daily living. It’s a time to rewind, rejuvenate, and take time and care just for ourselves. Use the journal prompts below to explore your routine, or a routine you want to establish!

Grab your favorite journal, a pen, and make yourself a cuppa—let’s jump in!

  1. Reflect on your self-care routines and practices. What activities help you feel relaxed and rejuvenated?
  2. Describe your ideal day of self-care. How would you spend your time and prioritize your well-being?
  3. Describe your favorite ways to unwind and de-stress after a busy day.
  4. Describe your morning or evening self-care routine. What rituals do you practice to start or end your day on a positive note?
  5. Reflect on the impact of nature on your well-being. How do you incorporate outdoor activities into your self-care practices?
  6. Reflect on your sleep habits and patterns. What strategies can you implement to improve the quality of your sleep?
  7. Explore the concept of balance in your life. How do you prioritize self-care while managing other responsibilities?
Image by mariko7 from Pixabay

Other journal prompts for this week:

May 27: Memorial Day

May 28: Whooping Crane Day

National Hamburger Day

May 29: National Flip Flop Day

May 30: International Hug Your Cat Day

May 31: World Parrot Day

National Save Your Hearing Day

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