Monday Journal Prompt: Welcome Spring!
Welcome to your weekly journal prompt! Today we Welcome Spring through journaling.
I love Spring. The birds have awakened from the slumber of Winter and are happy chirping while they gather materials to build their nests. Spring also brings showers, thunderstorms, flowers, and barren trees leaf out in full splendor.
Grab your favorite journal, pen, and make yourself a cuppa—let’s jump in!
1. What lessons did Winter teach you?
2. What challenges from Winter do you want to leave behind? These could be:
- negative thought patterns
- bad habits
- toxic situations
- anything that has drained your positive energy
3. Time to leap forward into new positive habits and goals!
4. What seeds are you “planting” – habits, goals, changes, new focus?

Other journal prompts for this week:
National Spinach Day (March 26): Share a favorite recipe incorporating spinach and discuss the importance of nutrient-rich foods.
Take a Walk in the Park Day (March 30): Share the mental and physical benefits you experience during a stroll in nature. Share a memorable experience from a leisurely stroll.
National Crayon Day (March 31): Use color to express your emotions and create a “mood palette” for the day.