Issue #72 The Magic Heron Newsletter – What creature symbolizes showing off yourself without an inflated ego?
Welcome to the 72nd issue of The Magic Heron Newsletter, a fortnightly newsletter with a focus on journaling, writing, and learning through nature’s wisdom.
Did you miss a past newsletter issue? I’ve put them on the blog. Click here to read them: Newsletter ArchiveThanks for being here. I appreciate you.
Texas, November 19, 2023
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Hi there !
Today’s journaling tip: Include more than just words in your journal
Keep your journaling interesting and fun by adding photos, drawings, stickers, poems, quotes, scriptures, or mementos. I had fun looking for nature stickers to add to my journal and found it lifted my mood as I wrote around the butterflies, doggies, and sunflowers I stuck randomly to the pages.
I was never a ‘sticker’ person before. All the ones I’d seen before were the stars and smiley face stickers teachers put on kids’ papers.
Now that they have so many fun (and beautiful!) stickers for adults, it’s so much more uplifting for my mood to journal. Take a look in Walmart, Dollar stores, and Amazon for stickers in niches you love. They have them for nature, flowers, themes for scrapbooking, even steampunk!
My daughter and I will be wrapping up NaNoWriMo during the Thanksgiving weekend. She’s been working on a novel. I’ve set a word count of 1,000 words for every hour I worked on projects for my blog and shop. The shop is now full of Spirit Animal Journals, planners, and the ebook versions of my cookbooks. Take a look here.
This week Peacock has shown up as the Spirit Animal for the newsletter. Check it out below and see if any of Peacock’s teachings resonate with you.
(Expecting turkey? Click here for a past newsletter featuring turkey)
Happy journaling!
This week’s Newsletter Spirit Animal
Peacock Symbolism and Meanings:
Peacock possesses many admired human traits and characteristics and is a symbol of integrity and beauty.
In myth, legend, and lore, Peacock has symbolized nobility, protection, watchfulness, and guidance.
When you need vibrancy and vitality, look to Peacock on your spiritual path and listen to his wisdom.
Peacock Symbolism and Meanings:
- Regal
- Royalty
- Glory
- Expression
- Refinement
- Attraction
- Freedom
- Vision
Peacock can also renew your self-esteem when you are having the “blahs”. Take a look at those bright vibrant colored feathers and meditate on them. The richness of the blues and greens will leave you with wonder.
Peacock fans out his tail to attract a mate. That also shows us that is ok to show off your skills, especially where you want to gain attention for your betterment. You are amazing! Spread out your assets to land those opportunities you are seeking.
Peacock reminds us there’s a time to show off your skills without an inflated ego.
Recently Published . . .
New Printables!
I am in the middle of moving a lot of my printables to a new platform called Payhip. I have all the Spirit Animal Journals moved and will continue to put out a new one about once a month. Check out the new shop and I’ll be adding new planners and ebooks there soon!
1. New shop: Shanna Lea Author / Magic Heron Creations Printables
3. 2024 Productivity Dated Planner Printable—With 3 spiral themed covers
New Books!
My daughter and I created a whole line of Writer’s Notebooks. Use them for NaNoWriMo, notetaking, for work, or journaling! You can find the notebooks on the Magic Heron Amazon Author Page
2. Natural Cold and Flu Remedies
Interesting links . . .
Here are some interesting links I came across on my ventures through Internet Land this week that I thought you might enjoy.
1. What Is a Cornucopia and Why Is It Used on Thanksgiving?
3. Pinwheel Cookies with Herbal Powders (4 Ways)
4. How to Make DIY Body Lotion with Herbs
5. Dry Your String Beans Into “Leather Britches”
***I use Mountain Rose Herbs for ordering all the herbs I use. Every order I’ve received has always been fresh and gorgeous. Click here to order the herbs you need for your teas, infusions, spices, and other ingredients for your kitchen:
Autumn Recipe . . .
Celebrate Autumn with seasonal recipes! Make the perfect roast turkey!
Easy, No-Fuss Thanksgiving Turkey
Autumn Fun . . .
Autumn Nature Bucket List! Plan a Thanksgiving menu!
50 Best Thanksgiving Dinner Menus to Inspire Your Holiday Feast
Journaling Inspiration . . .
1. Let’s make MINI postcards! | #JunkJournalJuly 2023 | Days 26 & 27
2. The 15-Minute Habit Worth Making Time For
3. Read This if You Want to Keep a Journal but Don’t Know How
4. Index Card Art With 5 Elements!
Random Nature Fact . . .
Male turkeys are called “gobblers” after the “gobble” call they make for females.
Nature Journal Video . . .
1. Today’s page is inspired by some wild turkeys that were crossing the road right in front of my car this morning! I just had to pull over to watch them for a bit, then I came home and this is what I created.
Nature Journaling – Wild Turkey Page in my Traveler’s Notebook
Nature Journal Prompt . . .
Use the picture above to practice drawing in your nature journal and noticing details about this animal.
Peacock facts:
Lifespan: 15 years
Scientific name: Pavo cristatus
Weight: 8.5 – 13 lbs
Speed: 10 mph
Habitat: open lowland forests, farms, agricultural fields, tropical and dry habitats, cities, parks
What it eats: omnivores: fruit, berries, grains, small mammals, reptiles, small snakes, insects, ants, millipedes, crickets, termites, centipedes, locusts, scorpions
What eats (or preys on) it: mongooses, jungle cats, stray dogs, leopards, tigers
Did you know?
Peacocks can be white. The trait is a little more common than it used to be due to selective breeding.
What I’m watching . . .
1. I’ve been enjoying going back and rewatching a Longmire episode in between my work projects for NaNoWrimo.
What I’m reading . . .
What’s on my bookshelf:
These have been favorite writing books I’ve always kept on my bookshelf to refer to over and over.
1. Walking on Alligators: A Book of Meditations for Writers by Susan Shaughnessy
Quotes I’m pondering . . .
“Autumn wins you best by this, its mute appeal to sympathy for its decay.”
– Robert Browning
“Autumn skies and pumpkin pies.”
– Unknown
Questions I’m considering journaling on . . .
What movie had the biggest impact on my life?
Journal Prompt . . .
Make a list of what you are grateful for this Thanksgiving.
Reviews . . .
If you have bought any of our books or printables and enjoyed them, please leave a positive review on Amazon, Payhip, Etsy, or Zazzle. Those reviews mean the world to us and help boost us up on the platforms. Thank You!!
Happy Journaling!
. . . Shanna
P.S. Is there something you like or would rather see in the newsletter? Hit reply and let me know!
I’ll be back on December 3rd !
P.P.S. If you like this newsletter and want to support it, buy a book or notebook. Or forward this newsletter to a friend with an invitation to subscribe, right here.