Issue #62 The Magic Heron Newsletter – What creature symbolizes freedom and opportunity?
Welcome to the 62nd issue of The Magic Heron Newsletter, a fortnightly newsletter with a focus on journaling, writing, and learning nature’s wisdom through midlife.
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Texas, July 2, 2023
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Hi there
We had several severe storms that produced killer tornadoes in the Texas Panhandle the last few weeks. Nothing close to my home, but lots of damage to some small towns and several lives lost.
The weather has turned hot, in the low 100’s, but nothing like the heat further south of us. I hope we don’t experience that extreme heat like they have had to.
Not much to report on Greebo this time. She chases flies and makes a trill noise when they aggravate her. She still likes to play in the bathtub making the bathmat go squishy squishy and watching the water drip from the faucet. It’s fascinating apparently.
We are getting ready to celebrate Independence Day on July 4th this week. We used to do the whole fireworks, barbeque, and family get togethers in years past. But now my daughter and I just enjoy watching a few related movies, cooking up something simple, and watching the neighbors burn their money / I mean fireworks. It’s a good time to reflect on our freedoms and the founding fathers’ lives who drew up the Constitution.
So this week’s newsletter Spirit Animal is Bald Eagle, in celebration of Independence Day.
This week’s Newsletter Spirit Animal
Bald Eagle Symbolism and Meanings:
Bald Eagles are opportunistic birds, taking advantage of any ways that meet their needs most efficiently. They are highly skilled hunters that teach us to conserve our resources by working smarter, not harder.
Bald Eagle Symbolism and Meanings:
- Vision
- Power
- Skill
- Focus
- Freedom
- Action
- Opportunity
- Determination
- Protection
Bald Eagle is connected the air element, symbolizing thought and communication. Bald Eagle teaches us mental acuity, higher thinking, dreams, and to hone our thoughts and skills. Use your inner abilities to bring focused change into your life.
With each flap of Bald Eagle’s wings, let it sweep away the barriers and blockages in your life to encourage new growth.
Recently Published . . .
New in the Etsy Shop
1. Letter writing – Sea Turtle Watercolor printable stationery – digital download
2. Letter writing – Sunflowers in Vases printable stationery – digital download
New Books!
My daughter and I created a whole line of Writer’s Notebooks. Use them for NaNoWriMo, notetaking, for work, or journaling! You can find the notebooks on the Magic Heron Amazon Author Page
1. 5 Senses Journal: Build awareness skills of your surroundings
2. Nature Day by Day: A 30 Day Guided Journal
Interesting links . . .
Here are some interesting links I came across on my ventures through Internet Land this week that I thought you might enjoy.
1. How Did the Bald Eagle Become America’s National Bird?
2. 7 Great Female Inventors And Pioneers You Should Know
4. Spicy Paloma Cocktail & Mocktail with Herbs
***I use Mountain Rose Herbs for ordering all the herbs I use. Every order I’ve received has always been fresh and gorgeous. Click here to order the herbs you need for your teas, infusions, spices, and other ingredients for your kitchen:
MasterClass Writers Series . . .
I’m watching several of the writers classes on MasterClass.com since my daughter and I just got a subscription. We are enjoying them all. MasterClass has many other categories too! Like Food, Music, Home & Lifestyle, Science & Tech and much more. Well worth the annual subscription for how much knowledge you can learn on there.
Amy Tan
Even though I have never read any of Amy Tan’s books, I absolutely adored her Masterclass this week. She shows how she utilizes journaling and nature journaling for writing stories. (She’s also in The Nature Journal Club group on Facebook!)
I’ve watched all of her classes at least twice and it has given me new ideas for my own journaling.
Check out her class and video here:
(this is an affiliate link)
Summer Recipe . . .
Celebrate summer with seasonal recipes!
Hot dogs are a staple for July 4th celebrations. Try out Sam the Cooking Guy’s recipes to spice them up!
Summer Fun . . .
Summer Nature Bucket List! Watch fireworks!
How Fireworks Became a Fourth of July Tradition
Journaling Inspiration . . .
2. #7: Are you asking the right question?
3. Writing Grief: Tips for Writing About Grief
4. Writing Prompts Aren’t Just for Beginners
Random Nature Fact . . .
Koalas fingerprints are so similar to humans, that police fear they could have hampered investigations!
Koalas have fingerprints just like humans
Nature Journal Video . . .
1. Learn the basics of bird wing structure to help you draw birds of prey in flight. Join John Muir Laws in this workshop to look at blocking in the different wing parts, how to foreshorten outstretched wings, and a few details to look for in red-tailed and red-shouldered hawks’ wings.
Nature Journal Prompt . . .
Use the picture above to practice drawing in your nature journal and noticing details about this animal.
Bald Eagle facts:
Lifespan: 20 – 30 years in the wild
Scientific name: Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Wingspan: 6 – 7 ½ feet
Weight: up to 14 lbs
Speed: 75 – 99 mph (Diving)
Habitat: Bald eagles live within 2 ½ miles of the coast, bays, rivers, lakes, or other bodies of water
What it eats: fish, waterfowl, turtles, rabbits, snakes, squirrels, small animals, carrion
What eats (or preys on) it: no natural predators, their biggest enemy is humans: collisions with cars, power lines, electrocution, gunshot wounds, and poisoning. Chicks and eggs are killed by wolverines, bobcats, foxes, bears, raccoons, and birds
Did you know?
Some nests of bald eagles can weigh up to 2,000 pounds!
More fun facts:
The bald eagle has been United States national bird since 1872.
What I’m watching . . .
We are celebrating Independence Day week watching some of our favorite movies
1. THE PATRIOT Trailer (2000) Mel Gibson, Heath Ledger Movie
2. Independence Day – Official® Trailer 1 [HD]
3. Independence Day: Resurgence | Official Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX
What I’m reading . . .
1. I finished The Meg and have started The Trench. Good so far!
The Trench by Steve Alten
What I’m Listening to . . .
1. Decorah Eagles – North Nest powered by EXPLORE.org
Quotes I’m pondering . . .
“The grill is the summer equivalent of a fireplace; everyone gravitates to it.” ~~Katie Lee
“If there’s heaven for me, I’m sure it has a beach attached to it.” ~~ Jimmy Buffett
Questions I’m considering journaling on . . .
As we celebrate this week, I’ll be journaling about our freedoms and if we aren’t diligent, how easily they can be lost.
Journal Prompt . . .
What do you think our founding fathers like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and the others would think about how we celebrate the 4th of July now?
What would they think of where we have come as a nation?
Where do you think we are going as a country?
Reviews . . .
If you have bought any of our books or printables and enjoyed them, please leave a positive review on Amazon, Etsy, or Zazzle. Those reviews mean the world to us and help boost us up on the platforms. Thank You!!
Happy Journaling!
. . . Shanna
P.S. Is there something you like or would rather see in the newsletter? Hit reply and let me know!
I’ll be back on July 16th!
P.P.S. If you like this newsletter and want to support it, buy a book or notebook. Or forward this newsletter to a friend with an invitation to subscribe, right here.