Issue #5 The Magic Heron Newsletter – Mockingbird! and Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge
Welcome to the 5th issue of The Magic Heron Newsletter, a fortnightly newsletter with a focus on journaling, writing, and learning nature’s wisdom through midlife. Thanks for being here. I appreciate you.
North Carolina, April 11, 2021
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Hi there!
This week my son and I took a day trip up to the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge in eastern North Carolina along the Atlantic Coast. He got the staples from the knee surgery taken out and now we can get out a little bit, enough to enjoy a drive. He’s still non-weight bearing for a few more weeks and then he will hit physical therapy hard.
We saw a bear, an alligator, and about a hundred turtles at the refuge. It was a gorgeous day. Then, it was only 20 minutes down the road to see the Bodie Island Lighthouse, so we decided what the heck, let’s go see that since we are already here. I love the smell of salt in the air and seeing the ocean. We drove over a long bridge between the river, Roanoke Island, and the Outer Banks. Afterward, it was a 3-hour drive back to the house, but well worth all the nature we got to see.
Yellow pollen is also everywhere this week. All over the truck, inside the truck, coating everything. I haven’t had any reactions to it other than just marveling at it. I’m from the Texas Panhandle, and we don’t have pines unless you plant them yourself, so I’m fascinated with all the plant life here.
Hope your week is “springing” nicely for you as well. Get out and enjoy it all!
This week’s newsletter Spirit Animal
Mockingbird has shown up everywhere lately, flashing the white stripe on its wings as it swoops up from the grass to nearby bushes.
Mockingbird Symbolism and Meanings:
Mockingbirds are extremely intelligent and very protective of their brood. Rather than having their own unique call, they mimic other birds. This is to either attract other birds to their area or repel them.
This can be a message to us to think about how we communicate with others — listen first. Then respond. It can also be a message to ask yourself if you are “imitating” and modeling attitudes, behaviors, and positive traits that you see in others that you respect.
Mockingbirds are happy birds and like to play, sending us a message to take time to relax and play, and just enjoy life.
You can learn more about Mockingbird symbolism and meanings here and here.
Recently Published . . .
I created and published this nature journal on building awareness using your 5 senses while outdoors.
5 Senses Journal–Build Awareness Skills of Your Surroundings
Recipe . . .
Speaking of pine pollen . . . did you know you can make cookies with it? I came across this recipe I want to try sometime.
Blog Post . . .
My son and I went to the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge this week to see the bears! Read my latest blog post to learn what we saw . . .
Journal Entry #7 — Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge
Interesting links . . .
Here are some interesting links I came across on my ventures through Internet Land this week that I thought you might enjoy:
1. Absurd Creature of the Week: The Parasitic Worm That Turns Crickets Into Suicidal Maniacs
2. The 100 Best Websites for Writers in 2021
3. Forest Sounds-Birds Singing-Sound of Nature-Birdsong-Relaxation-Relaxing Birds Chriping Meditation
5. DIY: Learn the Simple, Yet Surprisingly Satisfying, Art of Rock Wrapping
There is also a YoutTube channel with videos to teach you how to do this rock wrapping– called Tying It All Together
6. I was looking for bear tracks on our trip, but what little we saw was covered over by numerous tire tracks from all the sightseers.
Articles on Journaling . . .
Have you heard of bullet journaling? Here are a few tutorials to get you started.
2. How To De-Stress With Bullet Journaling
Random Nature Fact . . .
Sloths poop once a week!
Yep, sloths are slow, even at pooping. They poop once every 5-7 days, expelling 1/3 of their body weight. Coming down out of the tree saps their strength though, and leaves them vulnerable to predators.
Nature Journal video . . .
I’ve enjoyed this video on how to draw birds with different positions.
How to draw birds with open beaks, flying birds, and mixing dull or vibrant colors

Nature Journal Prompt . . .
This week’s nature journal prompt is the Northern Mockingbird. Here are some fun facts!
Northern Mockingbird facts:
Mimidae family
Mimidae family includes: thrashers, mockingbirds, tremblers and New World catbirds
Lifespan: 8 years
Scientific name: Mimus polyglottos (polyglottos means ‘multiple languages’)
Weight: 1.4-2 oz
Length: 8-11 inches
Habitat: towns, farms, roadsides, thickets, brushy areas, suburban lawns, woodland edges, farmland, desert thickets, streamsides in canyons
What it eats: Omnivore—eats both insects and fruits: arthropods, earthworms, grasshoppers, beetles, caterpillars, ants, wasps, berries, fruits, seeds, tomatoes, apples
What eats it: great horned owl, screech owl, sharp-shinned hawk, scrub-jays, cats, red-tailed hawks, crows, snakes
Did you know? From the late 1700’s to the early 1900’s, mockingbirds were often captured for sale for pets. As a result, they became scarce. After the cagebird trade was stopped, the mockingbird thrived again in its natural habitat.
Song: Endless string of 10 to 15 different bird calls
What I’m watching . . .
What I’m watching . . .
1. Maybe Mockingbird inspired this movie?
The Words Official Trailer #1 (2012) Bradley Cooper Movie HD
2. Disney’s A Far Off Place (1993) Movie Trailer #2
3. Secondhand Lions (2003) Official Trailer – Michael Caine Movie
What I’m reading . . .
1. How to Read Water by Tristan Gooley. I’m still working my way through this as there is a lot to absorb. It’s fascinating to go out on our walks near the river or creeks and then suddenly ‘see’ these patterns he talks about in the book.
2. Eating an Elephant: Write Your Life One Bite at a Time by Patricia Charpentier.
I got sidetracked from this one and getting back to it. I really like how she broke everything down in “bite-sized” pieces / chapters.
3. The Best of Brevity – Twenty Groundbreaking Years of Flash Nonfiction by Zoe Bossiere and Dinty W. Moore. I’m just starting this one as I’m learning how to write flash non-fiction.
Quote I’m pondering . . .
“Nature is pleased with simplicity. And nature is no dummy.”
—Isaac Newton
Questions I’m considering journaling on . . .
What is the treasure you seek and where do you seek it?
Joseph Campbell says “The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.”
Do you think there are other places that hold your treasure?

Journal Prompt . . .
Using Joseph Campbell’s poem, journal what the cave you enter looks like. What fears do you have to face? What is your treasure?
Here is a poem by Joseph Campbell for inspiration:
“It is by going down into the abyss
that we recover the treasures of life.
Where you stumble,
there lies your treasure.
The very cave you are afraid to enter
turns out to be the source of
what you are looking for.
The damned thing in the cave
that was so dreaded
has become the center.
You find the jewel,
and it draws you off.
In loving the spiritual,
you cannot despise the earthly.”
–Joseph Campbell, “Reflections on the Art of Living: A Joseph Campbell Companion
Happy Journaling!
. . . Shanna
P.S. Is there something you like or would rather see in the newsletter? Hit reply and let me know!
I’ll be back on April 25th.
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. . . Shanna Lea Author
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Mockingbird Gifts for Mockingbird Lovers
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Mocking Birds and Snake II Artwork by John James Audubon
MockingBirds Personality Symbol Brooch Set Hunger Games
Hunger Games Collection 4 Books Set by Suzanne Collins
Northern Mockingbird Snowflake Ornament
Texas Mockingbird and Bluebonnets Wall Art
The Audubon Society Field Guide To North American Birds: Eastern Region