Issue #43 The Magic Heron Newsletter – What creature teaches us about connecting to your inner child?
Welcome to the 43rd issue of The Magic Heron Newsletter, a fortnightly newsletter with a focus on journaling, writing, and learning nature’s wisdom through midlife.
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Texas, October 9, 2022
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Hi there !
We are enjoying some cooler temperatures. Last week in the 80s and this week in the 70s. And a spit of rain for a few days. It is definitely feeling a little more like fall now.
This week I’ve been working on the new cookbook and in the final edits of it. It will be ready in a few weeks. I decided to join a few challenges for this month for learning more about marketing and another for running ads through Amazon for my books.
Independently publishing your own books means you have to wear all the hats: writer, editor, publisher, marketer, and on and on and on.
But I love it and have wanted to be a writer since I was 6 years old. I’m so glad to be able to do my dream!
I’m looking to make some changes to upcoming newsletters. The newsletter will turn 2 years old in February 2023. So, I think it is time for it to evolve and will make some slow changes over the winter.
I have some new things in mind I’d like to do with the newsletter to make it more fun, more in tune with the seasons, and full of meaningful content.
And I would love your input!
- What would YOU like to see in the newsletter?
- What about this newsletter do you like?
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- Or less of?
This week I’ve been diving deeper into my journaling and started back on writing poetry. It has helped me slow down and calm my mind from all the distractions. It’s also brought me joy to work with words and images again using poetry. Do you write poetry or other creative writing while journaling?
This week, dolphin came to me and reminded me of being joyful and just having fun. When I was in North Carolina, I always watched for the dolphins whenever we were close to the river or the ocean. They are fascinating creatures!
So, this week’s newsletter Spirit Animal is Dolphin.
This week’s Newsletter Spirit Animal
Ant Symbolism and Meanings:
Known for grace and intelligence, Dolphin symbolizes delving deep into emotional waters to bring healing. Dolphin also has a playful and joyful nature. This reminds us to connect with our inner child and enjoy the moment.
Dolphin Symbolism and Meanings:
- Happiness
- Playfulness
- Willpower
- Virtue
- Humor
- Wholeness
- Teamwork
- Mental acuity
- Courtesy
Dolphin can be a protector as well. There are many stories of Dolphin saving people from shark attacks or drowning.
Dolphin can also help those that need to reclaim their voice and communicate more effectively.
Whether through connecting with your inner child, reclaiming your voice, or if you are just needing balance, when Dolphin swims into your life, you’ll be guided to find your personal power.
Recently Published . . .
New in the Etsy Shop!
New Books!
1. Too tired or busy to cook? Don’t want to (or can’t) eat out? Don’t want to do a big cleanup? 2-Ingredient recipes!
2-Ingredient Cookbook . . . for Busy People.
Interesting links . . .
Here are some interesting links I came across on my ventures through Internet Land this week that I thought you might enjoy.
1. The value of owning more books than you can read
2. How to Soothe a Bee Sting at Home & in the Wild
4. How To Make Broth With Scraps
5. Harvesting Rose Hips for Food and Medicinal Uses
***I use Mountain Rose Herbs for ordering all the herbs I use. Every order I’ve received has always been fresh and gorgeous. Click here to order the herbs you need for your teas, infusions, spices, and other ingredients for your kitchen:
Fall Recipe . . .
1. Check out these popular fall recipes to plan out your seasonal menu!
The 40 Most Popular Fall Recipes.
Autumn Fun . . .
Fall Nature Bucket List! Go birdwatching!
Where is the best place to watch fall migrations? Which birds come through your area? How does the weather affect their migration? Learn the basics here
What You Should Know About Fall Birding
From: Fall Nature Bucket List
Nature Walk Video . . .
Nature video to play in the background while you work, walk on a treadmill, or just to relax to!
4K Mountain Hike through the Clouds over Madeira – Most Popular Hike of Madeira – Part #2
Journaling Inspiration . . .
1. 10 Ways Journaling Will Change Your Life (Treasure Notebooks)
2. The Problem of Writing About Our Mothers
3. How to Create Your Perfect Writing Environment
5. 31 Creative Ways to Use a Sketchbook as a Visual Journal
Random Nature Fact . . .
The largest black-tailed prairie dog town every recorded covered 25,000 square miles, in Texas!
Nature Journal Video . . .
1. Learn fast, fun, easy, low-cost, techniques that can improve your field sketches and nature journaling. Here are a handful of techniques that you can experiment with. If you like one of these approaches, add the new materials to your nature journaling kit.
The Nature Journal Connection, Episode 38: Fast Sketching Tips
Nature Journal Prompt . . .
Use the picture above to practice drawing in your nature journal and noticing details about this animal.
Dolphin facts:
Lifespan: Orca: 10-45 years, Striped dolphin: 55-60 years, Pantropical spotted dolphin: 40 years, Short-finned pilot whale: 45 years
Scientific name: Delphinus
Habitat: harbors, bays, gulfs, estuaries, nearshore coastal waters, deeper waters, far offshore open ocean
Speed: Orca: 35 mph, Short-beaked common dolphin: 37 mph
What it eats: fish, squid, shrimp, jellyfish, octopus, salmon, herring, mackerel, mullet, catfish, krill, anchovies, crabs
What eats (or preys on) it: Orcas, sharks, humans
Did you know?
Dolphins produce bubbles to herd fish to the surface. They also use a hunting method called “fish-whacking” to stun their prey by hitting the fish with their tails.
Here are more interesting facts about Dolphins:
Mind Blowing Facts About Dolphins
Nature Tip:
Is it a shark? Or a dolphin? How do you tell the difference by their fins?
Shark vs Dolphin Fin | How To Tell The Difference
What I’m watching . . .
1. My daughter and I have been waiting for this for forever and had so much fun watching it!
Hocus Pocus 2 | Official Trailer | Disney+
What I’m reading . . .
1. I recently found this book when I was digging in my boxes of books that I packed up a few years ago. One of my all time favorites for writing inspiration!
Walking on Alligators: A Book of Meditations for Writers by Susan Shaughnessy
Quotes I’m pondering . . .
“Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree.”
–Emily Bronte
“Summer ends, and Autumn comes, and he who would have it otherwise would have high tide always and a full moon every night.”
–Hal Borland
Questions I’m considering journaling on . . .
This quote:
“Summer ends, and Autumn comes, and he who would have it otherwise would have high tide always and a full moon every night. “
–Hal Borland
I’m a summer person and dread fall only because it leads right into the cold weather of winter. This quote brings it into perspective on how we need the changing of the cycles throughout the year. I’ll be reflecting on how to come down from the summer’s higher energy, to the slowing and more restful energy that fall helps us transition into for winter.
![pumpkin pie](https://i0.wp.com/shannaleaauthor.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/pumpkin-pie-72274_1280.jpg?resize=512%2C341)
Journal Prompt . . .
Using all of your senses (sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing), describe the smell of a freshly baked pumpkin pie right out of the oven. (or your favorite pie).
How does reflecting on all your senses make you feel, knowing that you’ll soon be eating that pie?
Happy Journaling!
. . . Shanna
P.S. Is there something you like or would rather see in the newsletter? Hit reply and let me know!
I’ll be back on October 23rd!
P.P.S. If you like this newsletter and want to support it, buy a book or notebook. Or forward this newsletter to a friend with an invitation to subscribe, right here.
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. . . Shanna Lea Author
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