Issue #41 The Magic Heron Newsletter – What creature teaches us about transformation and healing?
Welcome to the 41st issue of The Magic Heron Newsletter, a fortnightly newsletter with a focus on journaling, writing, and learning nature’s wisdom through midlife.
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Texas, September 11, 2022
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Hi there !
Next week is the Autumnal Equinox. This year has gone by so fast. How are you celebrating the change in the seasons?
This year I’m diving deeper into each season, centering and grounding myself into each one, each day as much as I can when I’m not focusing on work.
In this newsletter, I’ve included several things to help you shift into autumn. A recipe from my new book (Yay! It is finally published!), an updated cover for the Halloween Planner, activities for the Autumnal Equinox, and a journaling prompt for reflection.
This week’s newsletter Spirit Animal is Snake, who will guide us into the new season. Snakes are not your thing? Make sure to read the Nature Tip under the Nature Journaling prompt section to find out why you should learn more about them!
I hope you are all well and reaping a good harvest from all your hard work and intentions you set out with at the beginning of the year.

This week’s Newsletter Spirit Animal
Snake Symbolism and Meanings:
Snake symbolism is a powerful connection to life force energy and primal energy. For many cultures it has represented the source of life and healing. When snake comes to us, it can be telling us of important transitions or healing that is manifesting.
As a snake sheds its skin, so we too must shed our old skin as we transition into a new phase of our life, or let go of something that no longer serves us.
Snake represents the life force and primal instincts. It teaches us to pay attention to how we use our energy. This can mean tapping into healing abilities and opportunities.
Snake has long been associated with healing, going back to Greek mythology. Aesclepius, the god of medicine, is featured with a rod that has two snakes climbing it. Today we call that symbol the Caduceus. You can also see the similarity in a DNA strand.
Snake teaches us to stay grounded as we go through transitions of personal growth and healing. Move through the changes in your life and into the unknown by listening to what snake teaches.
Snake Symbolism and Meanings:
- Cycles
- Rebirth
- Patience
- Fertility
- Eternity
- Balance
- Cunning
- Intuition
- Awareness
- Healing
- Intellect
- Protection
- Solemnity
- Rejuvenation
- Transformation
- Uroboros
Male/Female, Yin-Yang, Duality
If snake has come to you, it’s time to shed your old skin and leave behind your old self. It’s time to emerge into your new self with this symbol of rebirth and renewal.
Recently Published . . .
New in the Etsy Shop!
New Books!
1. After several editing setbacks, it’s finally published! Too tired or busy to cook? Don’t want to (or can’t) eat out? Don’t want to do a big cleanup? 2-Ingredient recipes!
2-Ingredient Cookbook . . . for Busy People.
Write Your Memoir with a Community of Other Memoir Writers . . .
Write Your Memoir with a Group – Get back to writing your memoir with a community.
My dear friend and colleague, Denis Ledoux, is offering The Inspired Memoir Writer program, where you will find a community that is filled with cheerleaders and helpers. Writing your memoir will become possible—and often easy—when you are part of The Inspired Memoir Writer
Register now, space is limited
As family gatherings wind down and children shuffle back into class, it can be a wonderful time for a little self-reflection and evaluation.
What is it that you want to be spending your own time on, what are you passionate about and how can you bring that into reality?
Are you wanting to learn how to better your health and wellness?
Are you interested in picking up some new skills like foraging, drawing, or making herbal preparations?
Maybe you want to start a holistic side hustle?
Back to School season is here, and this excitement isn’t only for the kids!
My friends over a the Herbal Academy announced their annual Back to School Season Sale is on including up to 30% off courses!
So if you’re curious to explore the art and science of herbalism while building your own brilliant relationship with the plant world, this might be your time to take the jump! Entrust your journey with the Herbal Academy, a global leader in herbalism education!
Runs August 22 – September 18, 2022
Interesting links . . .
Here are some interesting links I came across on my ventures through Internet Land this week that I thought you might enjoy.
1. Why Do Onions Make You Cry? Plus 5 Tips to Keep You Tear Free
3. Boost Your Immunity With Fermented Garlic Honey
4. Sustainable Living at Home: 5 DIY Kitchen Swaps
***I use Mountain Rose Herbs for ordering all the herbs I use. Every order I’ve received has always been fresh and gorgeous. Click here to order the herbs you need for your teas, infusions, spices, and other ingredients for your kitchen:
Fall Recipe . . .
Chipotle Lime Spaghetti Squash
From: 2-Ingredient Cookbook . . . for Busy People by Shanna Lea
Prep: 5 minutes
Cook: 1 hour
1 medium spaghetti squash, (about 4-5 lbs.)
Chipotle Lime Mayonnaise
- Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.
- Using a fork, prick the skin of the entire spaghetti squash. Place the squash on a baking sheet or casserole dish and place in the oven.
- Bake for 30 minutes, turn the squash over, and continue baking for an additional 30 minutes, until soft.
- Remove from oven and let cool for 10 minutes. Cut the squash in half with a sharp knife from stem to end.
- Use a spoon to scrape out the seeds and pulp, and use a fork to separate the spaghetti strands.
- Stir the Chipotle Lime Mayonnaise into the spaghetti strands to taste and serve with beef roast.
Autumn Fun . . .
1. Fall Equinox – When Is The First Day Of Fall?
2. Explore ways you can get ready to make the most out of the equinox (or solstice) with your nature journal!
3. Join John Muir Laws and journalers from around the world as we share our observations and field notes from the equinox!
Exploring the Equinox in your Journal (video discussion)
Nature Walk Video . . .
1. Autumn Forest Walk in 4K | 2.5 HRS Nature Video with Nature Sounds and Birds Singing
Journaling Inspiration . . .
1. Ryder Carroll gives you a brief overview of a method he invented that will help you track the past, organize the present, and plan for the future. Called the Bullet Journal®, it’s an analog system for the digital age. All you need to get started is a notebook and a pen.
2. You can also find more ways to use a bullet journal at his website
4. How to Get Back Into Writing
5. The Productive Coffee Shop Writing Routine
Random Nature Fact . . .
Tardigrades are microscopic animals that live all over the Earth. They are extremely durable in surviving:
- 300 degrees F
- -458 degrees F
- the vacuum of space
- pressure 6 times stronger than the ocean floor
- more than 10 years without food
Nature Journal Video . . .
1. Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference
A Virtual event for 5 days with 30 teachers for beginners to experts in nature journaling
When: September 14-18, 2022
Signup: Wild Wonder
2. Nature Journaling prompts for 30 days
Thirty Day Nature Journaling Challenge

Nature Journal Prompt . . .
Use the picture above to practice drawing in your nature journal and noticing details about this animal.
Lifespan: 2-40 + years, depending on species
Scientific name: Serpentes
Habitat: forests, swamps, grasslands, deserts, fresh water, salt water
Speed: the fastest snakes reach speeds of 12-18 mph, in short bursts. Others maintain a speed of 8mph over longer distances, but most are much slower.
What it eats: eggs (from various animals), mice, rats, rabbits, chipmunks, birds, frogs, toads, fish, earthworms, slugs, other snakes, bats, lizards, (bigger snakes eat deer, and monkeys)
What eats (or preys on) it: wolverines, mongoose, kingsnakes, eagles, owls, hawks, falcons, herons, bobcat, hedgehog, honey badger, king cobra, secretary bird, wild boars, coyotes, pigs, humans
Did you know?
Snakes have up to 400 pliable ribs and 10,000 to 15,000 muscles
Nature Tip:
Not overly fond of snakes? Learn more about them! Why?
1. Where are you likely to encounter one (on the trail or even at home?)
2. Is it venomous?
3. What part of the day would you most encounter one?
Learn the answers to these important questions and more at:
Snakes On A Trail: 5 Tips For Dealing With Snakes While Hiking
What I’m watching . . .
1. I’ve been watching one episode a night of the Sleepy Hollow series that came out several years ago. I watch one and then get back to work on writing before going to bed. I love seeing the different perspectives of 1770’s and modern day as the characters battle evil.
Sleepy Hollow Official Trailer
What I’m reading . . .
1. My best friend gifted me a copy of Bella Grace magazine and I’m having a lot of fun reading through it and looking at the prompts. Next on my list is the Bella Field Guides to check out.
I just saw that the publisher, Stampington & Company is having a sale on their back issues for $1.99 and up! Nice!!
Quotes I’m pondering . . .
“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” –Albert Camus
“For the Fall of the year is more than three months bounded by an equinox and a solstice. It is a summing up without the finality of year’s end.” –Hal Borland
Questions I’m considering journaling on . . .
Summer was a season of abundance, joy, and personal harvests. What accomplishments am I proud of? What areas have I triumphed? Take note of these with gratitude as the Wheel of the Year turns once again from the beauty and abundance of summer toward the cold darkness of winter. What do I need to let go of (let die within me) to start making room for new life and growth next year?

Journal Prompt . . .
As the Autumnal Equinox approaches, it is time to reflect on and acknowledge all the hard work we’ve put into growing and evolving this year. What are you really proud of? How have you grown? What has changed within you?
Happy Journaling!
. . . Shanna
P.S. Is there something you like or would rather see in the newsletter? Hit reply and let me know!
I’ll be back on September 25th!
P.P.S. If you like this newsletter and want to support it, buy a book or notebook. Or forward this newsletter to a friend with an invitation to subscribe, right here.
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Magic Heron Creations Notebooks on Amazon
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. . . Shanna Lea Author
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