Issue #38 The Magic Heron Newsletter – What creature teaches us how to slow down and change perspective?
Welcome to the 38th issue of The Magic Heron Newsletter, a fortnightly newsletter with a focus on journaling, writing, and learning nature’s wisdom through midlife.
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Thanks for being here. I appreciate you.
Texas, July 31, 2022
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Hi there!
How hot is it where you are? We’ve been right at 100F pretty much every day for over a month. Storms are forming this afternoon north of us, and I’m hoping they will shift south a bit more so we can have some relief!
I’ve been developing a new habit of watching the clouds. When I journal first thing in the morning, I always add a section on the side of the page for documenting the weather.
I add the time, temperature, wind speed, forecasted high temp, sunrise and set times and then draw a small sketch of the sun and type of clouds I see. Then, throughout the day, I take time to watch how the clouds change shape, come and go. It’s been really interesting!
And then I’m watching for how these changes predict the weather for the afternoon and evening. I’m always building my awareness skills in small ways.
One of my favorite authors just released his The Secret World of Weather book and I’m slowly reading through it. I highly recommend all of his books. Such a wealth of information in each chapter.
This week, Sloth appeared to me three times in the span of an hour, and then again throughout the week. I think it’s time to slow down for a minute and rest, contemplate where I’m going next, and just relax.

This week’s Newsletter Spirit Animal
Sloth Symbolism and Meanings:
Sloth moves slowly, so slow that predators often do not notice them. Sloth has keen instincts and rely on camouflage to keep them safe. They are native to Central and South America and live in the canopy of the rainforests.
Sloth can rotate its head nearly three-quarters of the way around. This symbolizes seeing our environment keenly. The better we see the world around us, the better we decisions we can make. But, it is a slow and steady process, just as the sloth shows us.
Sloths have no body odor! While they may look dirty because of the algae that grows on their fur, they do not have a scent, and along with the green algae that camouflages them, keeps predators from detecting them.
Sloths love to swim and bathe. They are excellent swimmers and can hold their breath for as long as 40 minutes.
Sloth Symbolism and Meanings:
- Camouflage
- Cleansing
- Conservation of energy
- Ease
- Invisibility
- Pacing
- Patience
- Peace
- Protection
- Reserved
- Skill
- Vegetarian
- Wisdom
- Wits
Sloths sleep an average of 8 hours a day in the wild, but much more in captivity. This is a message to take more time and care for yourself. It’s not being lazy, as sloth has been portrayed.
When Sloth comes to us, he brings a message that we might need to slow down and relax after a period of stress or if you are just worn out. You can’t keep up the hectic pace if you are running on empty. Know your limits and use your energy wisely. Do things that bring joy and comfort.
On the other hand, Sloth could be telling you that a danger (foe or a fight) is near that would lead to harm or defeat. It might be time to disappear into the background until danger passes. Wait and watch until it feels safe.
As sloth lounges in the canopy of the forest, he teaches us to make time for meditation, introspection, and contemplation. What thoughts are you giving energy to? How do you act and react? Sloth teaches us to “know thyself”.
Sloth hangs upside down. This shows us to see things from a different perspective. There is strength and power in that, and your mindset will challenge others to think a little differently, too.
Recently Published . . .
New in the Etsy Shop!
1. Blue Humpback Whales – Bubble-Net Feeding — Watercolor — Printable Letter Writing Paper — Stationery
Recently Published . . .
New Books!
1. Salmon Patties, Cakes and Burgers: 25 Best Fish Patty Recipes
Blog Posts . . .
Mountain Rose Herbs Essential Oil Sale . . .
Did you know Mountain Rose Herbs is currently having the biggest essential oil sale in its history?
This sale is intended to go through the end of the month but may be removed earlier, if necessary. We will offer a “last chance” opportunity if the sale is discontinued before its anticipated end date of 7/31.
Here’s how it works:
- Purchase $25 in essential oils, get 20% off
- Purchase $50 in essential oils, get 25% off
- Purchase $100 in essential oils, get 30% off
*Discount applies to single essential oils and essential oil blends only. Does not include kits. Offer cannot be combined with other sales, promotional codes, or wholesale pricing. Unable to be applied to previously placed orders. Discount will automatically appear in the shopping cart after the minimum threshold is met ($25.00). Valid for a limited time only.
Mountain Rose Herbs Essential Oil Sale
Interesting links . . .
Here are some interesting links I came across on my ventures through Internet Land this week that I thought you might enjoy.
1. A friend and colleague of mine is getting her coaching business started. Check out her website and the book “Women of Courage” featuring her story.
2. Me and my menopausal self on the job
3. Homemade Herbal Mouthwash Recipes
4. How to Harvest, Dry, & Store Herbs From the Garden
***I use Mountain Rose Herbs for ordering all the herbs I use. Every order I’ve received has always been fresh and gorgeous. Click here to order the herbs you need for your teas, infusions, spices, and other ingredients for your kitchen:
Journaling Inspiration . . .
1. 200+ Short Story Ideas (and How to Come Up With Your Own)
2. How Journaling Helped Me Be More Calm, Mindful And Resilient
3. How to Live by the Moon’s Phases
4. Writer’s Digest Best Job and Market Websites 2022
5. Morning Pages – Write Daily For Clarity, Creativity, Productivity
Random Nature Fact . . .
A wombat’s poop is cube-shaped! They poop out 100 6-sided cube-shaped turds every day.
Nature Journal Video . . .
1. Cloud Types & Weather Prediction Tips: How To Observe Sky Patterns

Nature Journal Prompt . . .
Use the picture above to practice drawing in your nature journal and noticing details about this animal.
Sloth facts:
Lifespan: 20 – 30 years
Scientific name: Folivora
Habitat: tropical rainforest
Speed: 0.17 mph (Maximum, When threatened)
What it eats: leaves, twigs, buds—they move through the canopy at 40 yards per day while they eat. Due to their slow metabolic rate, it takes them 30 days to digest a leaf. (And poop once a week!)
What eats (or preys on) it: jaguars, ocelots, harpy eagles
Did you know?
As soon as a sloth is born, it is able to lift its full body weight upwards—with just one arm. They also have specialized tendons in their hands and feet that lock into place. This allows them to hang upside down for long periods of time. This unique locking mechanism allows them to hang from a tree branch to sleep. They have also been known to still grip onto the tree upside down after death!
Want more facts on the sloth? (like why they grow algae in their hair, among other things??)
Top 10 incredible facts about the sloth
What I’m watching . . .
1. We stumbled on to this show on Netflix this week and it was really interesting. Learned about WWII history, pirate, and seal hunting history up around the Aleutian Islands.
Pirate Gold of Adak Island | Official Trailer | Netflix
What I’m reading . . .
1. I finally found the box where I had packed up some of my nature journaling books from last year. So now they are on my desk for perusing in between my other tasks.
This is one of my favorites. I love keeping this one open for inspiration on making small or quick sketches in my nature journal!
Keeping a Nature Journal, 3rd Edition: Deepen Your Connection with the Natural World All Around You
2. Also, I’m starting a new book by Tristan Gooley. He packs so much information in each chapter, that I have to take my time reading through his books.
Quotes I’m pondering . . .
“I have never taken any exercise, except sleeping and resting, and I never intend to take any.”
–Mark Twain
“Rest until you feel like playing, then play until you feel like resting, period. Never do anything else.”
–Martha Beck
Questions I’m considering journaling on . . .
How can I use this time to slow down and rest to recharge before the next push with my work?

Journal Prompt . . .
We are entering the ripening time of the Wheel of the Year. A time when the sun it hottest and the fruit and vegetables are ripening in the garden, on the vines, and trees. Everything you have been working on this year, is now coming into its ripening stage as well. Whether that is yourself, your projects or your own garden.
You’ve worked hard this summer!
Now, just for a few days, few weeks, take time to rest, nap, enjoy time on your porch with an iced drink, bathe in the sun, steal any moments you can just for you.
For harvest will soon be upon us, literally and metaphorically. Use this time to restore your energy for the coming work you will finish.
Journal about where you see the fruit ripening in your life. What dreams, projects, inner gardens, are beginning to show signs of ripening?
What work do you want to finish this summer?
How can you rest and recharge before the next cycle?
Happy Journaling!
. . . Shanna
P.S. Is there something you like or would rather see in the newsletter? Hit reply and let me know!
I’ll be back on August 14th!
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. . . Shanna Lea Author
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