Issue #24 The Magic Heron Newsletter – What bird teaches us about loyalty, teamwork, and protection?
Welcome to the 24th issue of The Magic Heron Newsletter, a fortnightly newsletter with a focus on journaling, writing, and learning nature’s wisdom through midlife. Thanks for being here. I appreciate you.
Texas, January 16, 2022
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Hi there!
We are back to regular work schedules this week and settling into the quietness of the season. January and February are usually the coldest here, with February, ironically, always feeling like the longest month for me. So far this winter has not been as cold.
I don’t know what it is about February, but it always feels dark, cold, and long. So this year, I will ground myself deeper into the season and listen to the messages and lessons it brings to me to learn.
We have had a dry fall and winter so far. I’m sure winter will make up for it before long. Meanwhile, we’ve been enjoying the warmer temperatures and going out to the small lake nearby.We have had a dry fall and winter so far. I’m sure winter will make up for it before long. Meanwhile, we’ve been enjoying the warmer temperatures and going out to the small lake nearby.
I enjoy watching the ducks and geese. The geese migrate through and many stay here all winter. The feed out in the fields during the day and we always see flocks flying overhead. I hear them in the morning when I’m just starting my work on the computer. They fly over the house and I hear the ‘honking’ noises they make. If I get out the door in time, I can watch them, the “V” pattern they form in the sky as they fly together, and hear their soft wingbeats.
A while back, I learned how to “count” huge flocks of geese with fairly good accuracy to record in my nature journal. Once you know how to group them, it’s easy. I’ve included a video below by John Muir Laws where he shows you how to count large flocks of birds.
This week’s Newsletter Spirit Animal is the Canada Goose. Do you have them in your area?

This week’s newsletter Spirit Animal
“Always Faithful” is the motto of the goose. When migrating, if a goose falls behind due to injury, another goose will stay with the injured bird until he’s recovered or passed. This amazing creature shares with us the wisdom of faithfulness and loyalty.
Canada Goose Symbolism:
- Bravery
- Loyalty
- Teamwork
- Confidence
- Guidance
- Protection
- Fellowship
- Communication
- Determination
- Territorial
Geese communicate with each other when they sense trouble as well as navigating to prime landing areas. They protect their young fiercely, using scare tactics to protect the goslings from predators.
Goose reminds us to be loyal, kind, and brave-hearted. They are true defenders and keepers of their community.
Goose Symbolism Messages
- Don’t forget those that have helped you when you needed it
- Listen to your gut—your intuition will guide you
- Communicate with others your needs
- Protect what is valuable—but make sure what you are protecting is worth protecting
Check out this video of geese flying – can you hear the wingbeats?
Canada Geese flying and honking
1. My Feather Signs Journal: Tracking sacred messages and meanings on my life journey
Interesting links . . .
Here are some interesting links I came across on my ventures through Internet Land this week that I thought you might enjoy:
1. Where Do Birds Go During a Storm?
2. How to Store Honey Long Term
3. 50 Ways to Spice Up Your Life!
4. Check out this free app to play Country Cottage
5. Herbal Bookshelf—Herbal book reading list from The Herbal Academy
***I use Mountain Rose Herbs for ordering all the herbs I use. Every order I’ve received has always been fresh and gorgeous. Click here to order the herbs you need for your teas, infusions, spices, and other ingredients for your kitchen:
Winter Fun . . .
Journaling Inspiration . . .
1. 2021 READING JOURNAL FLIP THROUGH 🌘 | full journal
2. Why Every Writer Needs a Writer’s Notebook
Random Nature Fact . . .
Raccoons can unlock complex locks!
In 1908, ethologists discovered that raccoons can pick complex locks—in less than 10 tries. Even when the locks were rearranged or placed upside down, the raccoons still picked the locks open.
Nature Journal Video . . .
What do you do when there are too many to count? Join John Muir Laws and the Nature Journal Connection as we explore ways to accurately estimate numbers as we explore with our nature journal.
The Nature Journal Connection, Episode 15, Estimating Numbers in Nature

Nature Journal Prompt . . .
Canada Goose facts:
Lifespan: 10-24 years
Scientific name: Branta canadensis
Weight: up to 14 lbs
Wingspan: up to 5 ft
Habitat: Anywhere near water: lakes, rivers, ponds, marshes, bays, grass plains, coastline, large and small bodies of water, farm fields, park lawns, yards
What it eats: Wide variety of plants: grass stems and shoots, sedges, aquatic plants, seeds, berries, grains. Will also eat insects, mollusks, crustaceans, small fish
What eats it: (and their eggs) coyotes, raccoons, skunks, bobcats, foxes, gulls, eagles, crows, ravens, magpies
Did you know?
Canada Geese fly in a v-formation called a ‘wedge’ or skein’
Check out this fun video that explains the V-formation:
What I’m watching . . .
We finished all of the current Yellowstone seasons and are now watching the 1883 weekly series.
And in remembrance of Betty White, we are watching a few of our favorite movies with her in them. Absolutely love Betty White.
2. Lake Placid (1999) – Official Trailer
What I’m reading . . .
I’ve started using the Pomodoro app set for 25 minutes to get some early morning reading in. It is helping me get back my concentration and enjoy reading again!
1. I’m still reading Magic Lessons by Alice Hoffman.
Quote I’m pondering . . .
“Winter is a season of recovery and preparation.”
–Paul Theroux
Questions I’m considering journaling on . . .
Am I communicating clearly with others about my needs? How can I protect my inner circle better?

Journal Prompt . . .
Have you ever been trapped in a blizzard?
Write journal entries of the days before you could finally go out.
Or, if you’ve never been in a blizzard, imagine what it would be like and write the entries with detailed descriptions of what you would do until you could go out.
Happy Journaling!
. . . Shanna
P.S. Is there something you like or would rather see in the newsletter? Hit reply and let me know!
I’ll be back on January 30th.
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. . . Shanna Lea Author
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