
Issue #21 The Magic Heron Newsletter – What animal teaches us about transition and hidden knowledge?

Welcome to the 21th issue of The Magic Heron Newsletter, a fortnightly newsletter with a focus on journaling, writing, and learning nature’s wisdom through midlife. Thanks for being here. I appreciate you.

Texas, December 5, 2021

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Hi there!

Well, it’s been a month since my daughter and I came down with Covid and we are finally on the mend. I’m gaining strength back but still deal with the fatigue. I’m adding Tai Chi to my morning routines to build chi back so I can get back to work.

I like the lady on the 5 Minute Tai Chi channel on YouTube. Her sessions are short and focus on just a few movements that build with each module. And they are just around 5 minutes or a little more, so don’t take a huge amount of time to add to my day. Plus, done every day, it builds my energy!

Tai Chi 5 Minutes a Day Module 01 – easy for beginners

When I was in North Carolina, my son and I went to 2 wildlife centers in different places. Each place had a barred owl and I was fascinated with them. I loved their big round eyes that hinted at deep wisdom. 

This week, I’ve been hearing owl and I love the soft hoot sounds. Owl’s message of transition is helping me with a personal change in my life as I let go of a relationship that is no longer working and also help me transition from fall to winter. My focus now is to tune in to each season more, especially the ones I have never enjoyed as much before, and find more of the beauty and deep personal meaning for me in them. 

Winter (and especially February) has always been the worst season for me with achy joints and the lack of sun for my moods. This year, I will go out and focus on what I’ve been missing from the season and journal more deeply about what I discover. 

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and that going into the next season brings you joy and abundance!


This week’s newsletter Spirit Animal

Owl Symbolism and Meanings:

When we connect with owl in its own environment and way of life, we can better decipher the messages it has for us. Owls come from a place of wholeness and are pure energy. Owls speak the language of the trees, wind, moon, and sky. To learn owl language, learn the owl’s habitat and you can more clearly understand when she brings messages and tune into to her wisdom.

In different cultures, owl was honored as keeper of spirits who had passed from one plane to another. Many people today still have a fear that seeing an owl means they are going to die. 

Today, we have to consider from where and whom meanings originate for our own growth and self-reflection. An owl appearing for a Druid in 600 BC is going to have a different message and meaning than for you and your life in 2021 AD. And that’s the way it should be.

Build on the great foundation of wisdom and knowledge our ancient ancestors gave us to base your own understanding to gain realistic interpretations.

The association of owl with death is often misunderstood, as symbolically death simply means “transition”. It’s just one state of energy changing into another. 

Death is not always physical. Transition (or death) can be a change in emotion, mind, and spirit. Seasons of change, a change of heart, a breakup, or any other transition from one phase to another. 

Owl Symbolism:

  • Wisdom
  • Mystery
  • Transition
  • Messages
  • Intelligence
  • Mysticism 
  • Protection
  • Secrets

The owl is a creature of the night and creatures of the night have specific philosophical meanings. Combine owl meanings with the nocturnal symbolic meanings for a broader interpretation. 

  • Dreams
  • Shadows
  • Otherworldliness
  • Secret knowledge
  • Psychic awareness

Because owls are able to see in the dark, owl meaning also deals a lot with uncovering secrets and hidden knowledge. They fly silently through the forests in pitch-black darkness of night, teaching us to maneuver through the unknowns of life, explore hidden wisdom and gain insight for moving forward—even if our situation is unclear.

When owl appears, transition and change come on its heels (err, wings). Owl can assist you when moving through these transitions, especially through dark times. Owl is the master of maneuvering within the realm of the unknown and thrives in the world of shadows and she can help you manage those scary, dark spaces.

Remember, as with all creatures, owl meaning will be different for you than for me or anyone else. Do your research, journal, and contemplate on what message owl is bringing for you and your life situation and what it means to you personally. Then, you and owl will have created a personal partnership and make meaning from coming together on your life’s journey.

Spirit Animals owl journal

Spirit Animals Coloring Planner

Christmas Journal writing prompts

Recently Published . . .

1. SPIRIT ANIMAL Owl, Animal Guide Totem Meanings, Spirit Companion, Spirit Companionship, Printable Journal Prompts and Cards

2. Spirit Animals Coloring Journal, Animal Guide, Spirit Totem Animal, Spirit Companion, Undated Planner, Goal Tracker, Use with Your Journal

3. Christmas Journal Printables, Use the Journal Prompt Pages with your Planner, Junk Journal, and Christmas Journal Words, Digital Download

Herbal Academy course holiday sale

Other Promotions That Might Be of Interest . . . 

Herbal Academy Course Holiday Sale

All of The Herbal Academy’s Online Courses are on sale 40% off from December 1, 2021 – January 2, 2022!

Herbal Academy Course Holiday Sale

Here is a list of their courses:

1. Mastering Herbal Formulations Course

Evolve from recipe follower to recipe developer by advancing your herbal formulation skills! Master your skills with 40% off!

2. Natural Perfumery Course

A truly scent-sational course, learn how to blend, infuse, tinker, and spritz your way to natural perfumery! Learn the art for under $40!

3. Making Herbal Preparations 101 Mini Course

A wonderful entry point into herbalism covering everyday safe herbs and how to use them in teas, tinctures, oils, and more! Start your journey at $29.99!


1. Introductory Herbal Course

Have little or no herbal experience? Our ultimate beginners course is our most popular course, designed just for you! Enjoy $50 off!

2. Intermediate Herbal Course

Have you already laid the groundwork for your adventures in the boundless world of herbalism? Take the next step! Enjoy $100 off!

3. Advanced Herbal Course

Ready to work towards a career as a professional herbal practitioner? Intermediate-level graduates, it’s time to dive in deep! Enjoy ≈$250 off!


1. Botanical Skin Care Course

Learn how to make your luxurious creams, soaps, salts, and more in this topic-specific course with over 200 recipes! Enroll with $50 off!

2. Entrepreneur Herbalist Path

Build the confidence and skills needed to run the successful herbal business of your dreams in this 3-Course Path. Register with savings!

3. Clinical Herbalist Path

Dream of working in or owning an herbal clinic, but just starting? This extensive 3-Course Path will help you set your foundation. Enroll with $400 off!

Interesting links . . .

Here are some interesting links I came across on my ventures through Internet Land this week that I thought you might enjoy:

1. How to Spot Common Winter Wildlife

2. Enjoy the Backyard Benefits of a Moon Garden



5. Why Garden Toads are Valuable in the Backyard


***I use Mountain Rose Herbs for ordering all the herbs I use. Every order I’ve received has always been fresh and gorgeous. Click here to order the herbs you need for your teas, infusions, spices, and other ingredients for your kitchen:

Mountain Rose Herbs

Journaling Inspiration . . .

1. Journal Zine | November






Random Nature Fact . . .

Cheetahs cannot roar.

They meow just like house cats. Roaring is only possible if they have the special two-piece hyoid bone in their throat. All non-roaring cats have only a one-piece hyoid bone. 

Nature Journal Video . . .

Live sketching with a Great Horned Owl


Nature Journal Prompt . . .

Owl facts:

Lifespan: can live up to 25 years, the larger ones live longer than the smaller ones

Scientific name: Strigiformes

Weight: Great Horned Owl weighs 3 ½ – 4 lbs. Snowy Owls weigh 4 lbs. Great Grey Owl which is larger only weighs 2-3 lbs. 

Wingspan: Great Horned Owl wingspan is 3-5 ft. The smallest owl is the Elf Owl with a wingspan of only 9 inches

Habitat: coniferous forests, mountains, deserts, plaines, cold tundra of the north

What it eats: insects, spiders, earthworms, snails, crabs, fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds, small mammals

What eats it: foxes, snakes, squirrels, wildcats, eagles, coyotes, many are struck by cars at night

Did you know? 

Owls have specialized feathers that enable them to fly almost silently by altering air turbulence and absorb noise. Known as silent predators of the night, they are capable of flying just inches from their prey without being noticed. 

I love this video that shows an experiment of different birds and owls on their flight patterns:

Experiment! How Does An Owl Fly So Silently? | Super Powered Owls | BBC

More Fun Facts About Owls

13 Fun Facts About Owls You Should Know

What I’m watching . . .

1. On Amazon Prime:

The Wheel Of Time – Official Trailer | Prime Video

What I’m reading . . .

I’ve started using the Pomodoro app set for 25 minutes to get some early morning reading in. It is helping me get back my concentration and enjoy reading again!

1. Nanny Ogg’s Cookbook—A useful and improving Almanack of Information including Astonishing Recipes from Terry Pratchett’s DiscWorld by Terry Pratchett

2. Fierce Fairy Tales: Poems and Stories to Stir Your Soul by Nikita Gill

Quote I’m pondering . . .

When anxious, uneasy and bad thoughts come, I go to the sea, and the sea drowns them out with its great wide sounds, cleanses me with its noise, and imposes a rhythm upon everything in me that is bewildered and confused.

— Rainer Maria Rilke, Austro-German poet

Questions I’m considering journaling on . . .

As we transition from fall into winter, it’s time to slow down from the previous active seasons and honor slowing down, becoming quiet, reflecting inwardly, and rest and conserve energy. What ways can I do this as we move into winter?

winter scene cabin

Journal Prompt . . . 

1. Describe your ideal winter scene in detail.

2. Winter months make me think of …

3. My priorities for the holidays are …

4. My favorite winter sounds are …

5. What new food or recipe are you going to try this month?

Happy Journaling!

. . . Shanna

P.S. Is there something you like or would rather see in the newsletter? Hit reply and let me know!

I’ll be back on December 19th.

P.P.S. If you like this newsletter and want to support it, buy a book or notebook. Or forward this newsletter to a friend with an invitation to subscribe, right here.


Shanna Lea Author website
Books on Amazon
Magic Heron Creations Notebooks on Amazon
Magic Heron Creations Etsy Shop

. . . Shanna Lea Author

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