Issue #20 The Magic Heron Newsletter – What animal teaches us about teamwork and relationships?
Welcome to the 20th issue of The Magic Heron Newsletter, a fortnightly newsletter with a focus on journaling, writing, and learning nature’s wisdom through midlife. Thanks for being here. I appreciate you.
Texas, November 21, 2021
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Hi there!
This newsletter should have gone out 2 weeks ago, but my daughter and I came down with Covid, and I was unable to work at all. I struggled to even get out of bed and she pretty much kept me alive, making sure I ate and got plenty of fluids down.
We are doing better now and mainly dealing with fatigue. Getting back into a normal routine is taking a lot longer than from the usual flu. At least we had nice warm weather while we were sick and once I could move around enough to get to the car, we went to the lake/park to sit in the sun. Now, the temperatures have dropped and we have cold winds for several days, so time to get back to the computer to work.
While we were at the lake, we watched flocks of Canadian Geese coming in and going back out. Then, we saw a large white bird fly in towards us over the water. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing! I looked at my daughter and said, is that what I think it is?
A pelican!
In the middle of the Texas Panhandle.
He was the only one, just flew in and plopped into the water by the dock next to all the geese and ducks that stay here year-round. He came up to the shore and settled down for a nap in the midst of all the geese and ducks walking around. An American White Pelican.
After doing some research, I found out that white pelicans actually do live north of us, east of the Rocky Mountains and they migrate south and east. So, in all my life, I’ve just never seen them migrate through, which is so odd. But, I got to see one and he reminded me of my 2 years in North Carolina watching the pelicans there at the ocean.
So, this week’s Spirit Animal is the American White Pelican.

This week’s newsletter Spirit Animal
American White Pelican Symbolism and Meanings:
Pelican symbolizes teamwork and relationships, including motherhood. They are opportunistic birds, teaching us to be intent on our goals. They perch in places that give them the advantage to watch for resources and then are fearless when grabbing their ‘catch’.
White American Pelican teaches us to forge healthy relationships with people in our community with the goal to establish cooperative benefits for the group. These pelicans are group fishers, coming together as a group to hunt together by beating their wings on the surface for the water to move the fish towards another group of pelicans waiting to scoop up the fish in their pouches. They teach group efforts to identify and capture resources.
American White Pelican Symbolism:
- Magic
- Focus
- Wisdom
- Safety
- Humility
- Charity
- Nurturing
- Direction
- Teamwork
- Resources
- Generosity
- Camaraderie
- Friendliness
- Self-sacrifice
- Responsibilities
The pelican has a large pouch in its bill used for fishing and drinking. This can teach us how to take in large amounts of information and knowledge at one time and make use of the opportunities.
Pelicans are travelers and teach about moving, adapting, fear, and overcoming. They represent confidence and safety in numbers.
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Other Printables That Might Be of Interest . . .
My friend Becky Beach has some amazing printable bundles out that you might like.
This one is The #HomeGoals Bundle. You get the top-selling Deluxe Home Binder and the brand new 2021-2022 Deluxe Dated Weekly Goal Getting Planner in ONE amazing bundle.
Interesting links . . .
Here are some interesting links I came across on my ventures through Internet Land this week that I thought you might enjoy:
1. How to Make Newspaper Logs for Your Fire
3. What to Forage in Winter: 30+ Edible and Medicinal Plants and Fungi
5. 7 Fabulous Family History Games
Different Ways to Journal . . .
1. GOT PLAIN WHITE PAPER?! Easy Tips to Make Fun Things for a Junk Journal! 🙂 The Paper Outpost!
2. 70 Writing Prompts That Will Inspire Your Travel Journal
3. How to Junk Journal When You’re Overwhelmed
4. Cheap and Easy Tags & Tabs Magazine and Washi Tape
5. I want to learn to . . . a journaling page
Random Nature Fact . . .
The diet of the Yellowstone bears consists of a large portion of moths.
In a day, the Yellowstone bear will consume an average of 40,000 moths a day. At this rate, scientists state that the bear can consume around one-third of its yearly energy requirements in just a month. Here are some more nature facts–these moths are also high in fat and are energy-dense.
Nature Journal Video . . .
Best Books for Nature Journaling

Nature Journal Prompt . . .
American White Pelican facts:
Lifespan: 26 years or more
Scientific name: Pelecanus erythrorhynchos
Weight: 11-20 lbs
Wingspan: 95-120 inches –the 2nd largest average wingspan of any North American bird, after the California condor
Habitat: shallow wetlands in the interior of the continent. Spend winters mainly on coastal waters, bays, bogs, swamps, rivers, lakes, and estuaries.
What it eats: fish, salamanders, crustaceans
What eats it: red foxes, coyotes, gulls, ravens, great horned owls, red-tailed hawks, bald eagles, golden eagles
Did you know?
An American white pelican is able to hold in its bill 11 liters (3 gallons) of water. The pelican’s beak is the most spacious out of all the birds in the world, being able to hold 3 buckets of fish. Pelicans do not have nostrils. They have to breathe through their beaks.
What I’m watching . . .
1. I have not been able to watch anything, preferring quiet to any noise while I was sick. But, this week, I did watch Red Notice on Netflix and it was such a fun movie to watch
RED NOTICE | Official Trailer | Netflix
What I’m reading . . .
1. I’m not able to focus for very long on reading at this time.
Quote I’m pondering . . .
“We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospection.”
– Anaïs Nin
Questions I’m considering journaling on . . .
How do I finish out my Quarter 4 strong after being sick? What projects do I prioritize?

Journal Prompt . . .
What are some of your Thanksgiving traditions? Create a page about the ones that are most meaningful to you. How have your traditions changed from childhood to now? Have the last 2 years changed how and what you do for Thanksgiving?
Happy Journaling!
. . . Shanna
P.S. Is there something you like or would rather see in the newsletter? Hit reply and let me know!
I’ll be back on December 5th.
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. . . Shanna Lea Author
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