How to Grow Your Own Food Even If You Have No Experience or If You Are Older and Out of Shape
Are you worried about how to grow your own food with the current food shortages?
When the shelves are empty and the trucks have stopped delivering, how do you feed your family?
What are the easiest, most productive foods to grow?
What is the quickest way for someone who has no skills to grow a garden quickly?
What if you have no experience?
What if you are older, and out of shape?
In this free webinar on how to grow your own food, Marjory Wildcraft will discuss:
- The status of the global food shortages
- How long the crisis will last
- How much space you need to grow food
- Easiest, highest calorie foods you can produce
- A complete plan for producing all the food you need
- How to get started today (regardless of season)
Marjory will show you simplest, fastest, and easiest ways for how to grow your own food in a crisis and/or grid-down situation.
She assumes that you have no experience and that you need to start producing food immediately!
Do you want to:
- Feel calmer?
- More secure?
- Have a plan?
- Get started right away being able to grow your own food?
Then click here to sign up for the webinar this Saturday, December 4, 2021: You Can Grow Food Webinar
This is too important a webinar and you don’t want to miss it.
There will be a Q&A after the webinar, so start jotting down your questions and Marjory will answer them.
*** Looking for a how to grow your own food book? Marjory Wildcraft has written some books and DVD available on Amazon:
The Grow System: True Health, Wealth, and Happiness Come from the Ground
Grow Your Own Groceries DVD-ROM
Alternatives to Dentists: Simple, Natural, and Effective Tooth Care