Everyday Enchantments
Everyday enchantments are the small moments we experience every day that bring a little bit of magic into our lives. I was thinking about this as I sat out on the front porch this morning.
I thought about the small moments that bring me contentment, peace, and a sense of wonder. Like, spotting a blue jay. There aren’t many blue jays my neighborhood so that splash of bright blue that streaks by catches my eye.
The sigh of relief my body breathes after exercise. Sunflower leaves when they make that sandpaper sound. Or that perfect nest when the bedding is just right moments before waking that postpones me from arising. Holding a grain of sand and seeing the universe reflected back to me.
I close my eyes and listen to the sounds around me. The breeze stirs the elm tree leaves and the buzz of a lawn mower down the way as nearby birds chirp and the neighbor sweeps her porch. In the distance, a dog barks.
A moment of peace and contentment that I strive to hold onto.
Knowing that the vastness of life is so huge that the only way to take it all in to understand or know it is to look at something small.
As small as a grain of sand or an ant’s journey, a tiny seemingly insignificant moment in time.
And then knowing I will never understand it all in one lifetime.
To sit in wonderment in my sit spot for an hour, just being in the moment while a dove coos, squirrels chase each other around and around the tree trunk, and an ant travels through the jungle I call my lawn, each of us on our journey through this thing called life.
It’s up to us to make our life have meaning.
And the entire time I’m sitting here, I’m waving off a pest of a fly that will not leave me alone. A reminder that there will always be something competing for our peace, if we allow it.
A movement catches my eye and I look up in the pale blue sky to see a pair of vultures. I watch their lazy circles on the invisible current until they disappear into the sun.
Blinded, I bring my gaze down to the elm tree and see a single gold leaf tucked in among the green branches. Vultures symbolize death and rebirth and Autumn is that transition between the two seasons. A time of letting go of summer and welcoming the harvest in preparation for winter.
It has been an enchanting morning.
May your life be full of magical everyday enchantments . . .
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