Journal Entry #20—Using a Sketchbook as a Journal
Journal Entry #20 Using a Sketchbook as a Journal--What size should you use? Small vs big? I share my findings for my own journaling.
Journal Entry #19—Where the Crawdads Sing, Crayfish Crawdad Meaning and Symbolism
"Where the Crawdads Sing" movie, crayfish / crawdad symbolism and my thoughts on how the book was written. Puzzle and wall calendar too!
Journal Entry #18—The Duffer Brothers MasterClass, Stranger Things, and Independence Day
This weekend we had a blast watching The Duffer Brothers MasterClass. Then we watched Stranger Things Season 4!
Journal Entry #17: Moth Symbolism and Meaning
Moth Symbolism and Meaning showed up to me this week in the form of 2 moths. It's time to do some shadow work. What does moth mean to you?
Journal Entry #16—International Nature Journaling Week 2022 and Rosaceae Plant Family Study
Today I journal about International Nature Journaling Week 2022 and journaling the Rosaceae (Rose) family with Yvea Moore.
Journal Entry #15 Journaling and Nature Journaling in Your Car
Are you journaling and nature journaling in your car? Where is your favorite place to journal or nature journal? Do you use just one spot?
Journal Entry #14 International Nature Journaling Week
International Nature Journaling Week explores nature journaling through prompts, tools and skills through a series of workshops.
Journal Entry #13—Keeping a Birding Journal
Are you keeping a birding journal? What do you write in it? How do you take field notes? Watch John Muir Laws' video with me and learn how.
Journal Entry #12—Drawing Bird Feet and Rescuing a Starling
Drawing bird feet doesn't have to be scary. This video by John Muir Laws shows you how to draw them and how other illustrators have done it.
Journal Entry #11—Green Anole Lizard
This afternoon I noticed the green anole lizard, lime green and with a pink dewlap puffing out in front of his chest, walking along the fence.