Dancing Dragonflies
This morning was amazing! After my morning exercise workout, I went out to the front porch to sit in the sun. I brought a book I’ve been reading and settled into the first…
Lonesome Dove and back to the cookbook
This week I’m back to working on the new cookbook. We had some nice rains this weekend. This is the first summer in years that we’ve had rain throughout the Spring and Summer.…
Firing on all cylinders—powered by salmon and maybe a peanut butter cookie
I’m always amazed at what a little salmon or fish oil does for the brain! I’m feeling much better today, have better mental clarity, and got some extra sleep. (I also made some…
Salmon, some more salmon, and maybe more salmon
It’s been a quiet, hot day. No wind. There were a few clouds passing this morning as I sat in the sun reading my book. The Haunted Mesa by Louis L’Amour has a…
The Tracker
It is with great sadness that I learned Tom Brown Jr recently passed away. His son, River Brown, just released a heartwarming video of the impact Tom had on his students and all…
Artist’s Date
This weekend my daughter and I went out on an Artist’s Date. We are always meaning to do one of these and yet, work and life seem to find ways of delaying that…
Squirrels and Thoughts
I sat out in the sun again this morning. It was hot and there was no wind. Near the end of my sit, a light breeze whispered through the branches of the elm…
Sunflowers and Doves
This morning I sat out in my front porch to enjoy the sun (and boost my Vitamin D!). I have been doing this for a few months now, changing my morning schedule to…
Restructuring the blog
I’m trying something new for a while for blog posts. I have spent the last two months restructuring and pivoting my business and thinking through what I really want to do with it…
Choosing to Let Go of Social Media? Eek!
So, I have a confession to make . . . I spend entirely too much time on social media. It has become this strange habit of picking up my phone every few minutes…