Explore Cat Symbolism and Meaning with Cat Spirit Animal Journal
How can cat symbolism and meaning help you? Explore the cat’s symbolism and meaning in your life with our new Cat Spirit Animal Journal.
Cat Symbolism and Meaning
Cats are one of the most popular pets in the world. We consider them as a symbol of independence and intelligence. They are very independent animals and can take care of themselves well.
They also have this unspoken wisdom about them. People who adopt cats usually do so for their sense of independence or because they think that these animals will keep them company in their loneliness. Cats occupy our homes, offices, and our hearts – but what does it mean when we see these silly creatures as our spirit animal?
What Does the Cat Represent as a Spirit Animal?
The ancient Egyptians believed that because cats were such clean animals, they were associated with cleanliness and orderliness, while cats in ancient Rome linked them to protection from evil spirits.
Some people state that the cat spirit is associated with independence, curiosity, hunting skills, stealth, and mystical abilities. While others believe it can represent intuition, creativity, skillfulness, and sexuality.
Some people say that it comes with luck and good luck charms, while others think it’s bad luck or even brings bad luck to those who are not careful of what they do or say.
Cats often represent symbols of feminine power, independence, and magic. The idea that cats are symbols of feminine sexuality trace back to the Egyptian goddess Bast. Cats have also been considered the companions of witches, partly due to their nocturnal habits.
They symbolize curiosity, stealth, cunningness, and strength, representing nurturing qualities such as maternal instincts and patience.
Printable Cat Spirit Animal Journal
Use this Printable Cat Spirit Animal Journal to connect with the cat. Journal pages include:
- Watercolor cover
- Daily reflection pages
- Daily Cat Messages
- Daily Cat affirmations
- In-depth article on Cat symbolism and meaning
- Affirmation cards to write your own affirmations on
- and more!
Use the printable Cat Spirit Animal Journal to keep track of your dreams, free write, write prayers, or even communicate with your spirit animal.
I hope you enjoy using this journal as much as I enjoyed creating it.
Thank you.
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