Anti-Valentine’s Day Planner & Journal and Coloring Pages Printable Bundle
Valentine’s Day is associated with romance, love, cheap chocolates, heart-shaped gifts, and other mushy stuff that leaves a range of people feeling left out. Many people are now celebrating this day by the following names:
- Anti-Valentine’s Day
- Non Valentine’s Day
- Slap Day
- Kick Day
- Missing Day
- Breakup Day
- Single Awareness Day
- Galentine’s Day

If your favorite part of Valentine’s Day is the 50% off candy sale on February 15th, then the Anti-Valentine’s Day Planner and Journal with Coloring Pages Bundle is for you! It will help you plan activities to focus on things that you would rather do.
The Anti-Valentine’s Day Planner and Journal is a fun printable for planning out your anti-Valentine’s Day and February 15 day for hitting the candy sales.
What’s in the bundle?

Anti-Valentine’s Day Planner & Journal
- 36 Pages Printable Journal including 1 Cover and 1 Inside Cover Page
- 1 February 2022 Calendar Page
- 1 Movies and Shows to Watch Page (keep track of what you want to see, what date and which channel/service provider)
- 1 Page titled “Keeping it Real-er” with popular love quotes that have been edited to represent some different sentiments…
- 1 Prompted Page with directions to create your own edits to popular love phrases and songs
- 1 Conversation Hearts Page with 6 alternate Candy Heart Sayings (for example: “TV, Tacos, Tell Me I’m Pretty” ) Print and Cut out, share with friends, hang on bulletin board or computer, print on sticker sheet.
- 2 Blank Conversation Hearts Page to create your own phrases
- 3 Notes Pages
- 1 “Power Words” guided exercise Page
- 1 To Do List—Task Steps Page
- 1 Prompted Organization Page to plan out where to get the best February 15th Sales in your area!
- 1 Weekly Planner Page
- 1 Weekly Task by Day Page
- 1 Habit Tracker Page
- 1 Doodle Page
- 1 Vision Board Page
- 7 (One Week’s Worth) of Unique Daily Prompted Journal Pages with funny quotes about Anti-Valentine’s Day
- 7 (One Week’s Worth) of Journal Pages where you can create your own funny quotes
- “The End” page

12 Anti-Valentine’s Day Heart Coloring Page Sayings:
- Wine, True Crime, Bed By 9
- TV, Tacos, Tell Me I’m Pretty
- Hot & Not Bothered
- Pajamas, Netflix, Snack, Dog
- Single & Ready to Mingle!
- Champagne & Cupcakes
- I
LoveTolerate You More! HUGGet away from ME- You
CompleteDrive Me Crazy - Be
MineSomeone Else’s NeverPlease!!! Let Me Go- You (used to) Send Me

Anti-Valentines Day Ideas
Today’s newer traditions like Galentine’s Day and Singles Awareness Day, shift the focus back to what you want to celebrate, including non-romantic themes.
Add some of these activities to your planner for a fun-filled February 2022.
- Real Stories from the “Ex”-Files—Gather with a few trusted friends and swap “ex” stories focusing on the funny ones
- Watch your favorite movies
- Take a long walk
- Have your own dance party at home and make a playlist on Spotify or other platforms
- Bake up your favorite cookies, brownies, cupcakes, or other sweet treats
- Take a solo vacation—make it an adventure
- Go to a museum
- Start or renew one of your favorite crafts
- Book a spa day –or plan your own at home spa day—home manicure, draw a relaxing bath with Lavender bath salts, etc.

Click here to purchase the Anti-Valentine’s Day Planner, Journal and Coloring Pages