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30 Day No Sugar Challenge Printable: Fruit Theme

Are you ready to start a 30 Day No Sugar Challenge and kick the sugar habit to the curb? Are you wanting to live a zero sugar, sugar-free, or no processed sugars lifestyle?

Quitting sugar is one of the hardest habits that I’ve struggled with when changing over to a healthier lifestyle.

30 Day No Sugar Challenge Printable
Fruit Theme 30 Day No Sugar Challenge Printable

I made this tracker / journal to help identify the triggers that make me reach for soda or a sugary snack and replace them with healthier alternatives. It comes in 2 background pattern themes: fruit or donuts. All the pages in each one are identical, just different background themes.

Studies show that when we have a plan of action before making a change, we will be more successful!

30 Day No Sugar Challenge Printable
Fruit Theme 30 Day No Sugar Challenge Printable

The best way to use these pages is to research the healthy food plan or diet that is best for you, and then fill in these pages with those foods and recipes that will help you make the switch from junk foods to a healthy eating lifestyle for the next 30 days!

Print off this 30 Day No Sugar Challenge Tracker Journal and place it on the refrigerator with a magnet or put it in a binder to track your progress for the next 30 days as you kick the sugar habit.

30 Day No Sugar Challenge Printable
Fruit Theme 30 Day No Sugar Challenge Printable

This PDF digital download is loaded with 13 pages of tips, motivation, and action steps you fill out to help you plan to succeed on your 30-Day No Sugar Challenge:

• 30 Day No Sugar Challenge Tracker

• My Healthy Snacks & Food List

• Names for Sugar on Labels

30 Day No Sugar Challenge Printable
Fruit Theme 30 Day No Sugar Challenge Printable

• Craving Sugar? Do this instead

• My Sugar Craving Triggers

• Sugar Withdrawal Symptoms

• Benefits of Quitting Sugar

30 Day No Sugar Challenge Printable
Fruit Theme 30 Day No Sugar Challenge Printable

• My Action Steps

• Shopping List

• Menu Plan

• My No Sugar Recipe page

• Journaling Insights page

30 Day No Sugar Challenge Printable
Fruit Theme 30 Day No Sugar Challenge Printable

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FRUIT theme 30 Day No Sugar Challenge Printable


Let me see the DONUTS theme 30 Day No Sugar Challenge Printable.

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